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6 Month Transformation and a Happy New Year

First things first Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have all your goals laid out and that 2012 brings you health and happiness!

Secondly I would like to put out a word of thanks to all the followers and supporters of the site. All the likes, comments, and messages make running the blog a really enjoyable experience so thank you.

Thirdly I would like to congratulate those people who have taken action and made changes to their body, some of the stories sent in have been very impressive!

Now onto other stuff. What am I doing in 2012? Well I have a few ambitious and goals that are going to require pretty intense dedication, the more you put in though the more you get out so I know it’s worth it!

I also really want to get a youtube channel up as I am finding explaining exercises quite annoying and it will be much more beneficial to you if I show you. I said I would do this ages ago but I really would like to be able to commit to releasing at least one video weekly, I don’t really want a sporadic upload time, and it’s a big aim of the first part of 2012.

My Thoughts on Goals:

I’ve had a goal before, it was to get much bigger and get ripped and I did achieve this but what I didn’t really have was a plan to follow once I reached that goal. It’s also quite a hard goal to define, how can you define big? It’s somewhat in the eyes of the beholder and ripped, there are certainly different levels of the meaning. So my goals now involve a definitive result in which I either succeed or I don’t.

I achieved my goal initial goal at the end of last summer, I felt in good shape but I also sort of felt I was missing out on the typical 20year old misdemeanours. I barely drank, needed to sleep so never stayed up exceptionally late. I was going into my final year of university and so I decided to ‘let my hair down’ and enjoy myself outside the gym as university is a short lived, sweet way of life. I have had a great time since then, apart from hating the university course itself…

Was it actually worth it? Well no, not at all I didn’t gain anything from it. It was fun but in all honesty it wasn’t really, ‘me’. However I am very glad that I did it because now I know, you only learn from your mistakes, and making a mistake isn’t failing, not learning from them is. It’s also become more and more apparent that fitness will play a vital role in my life for years to come and I can easily say it’s one of my biggest passions.

So as of now I’m on a 6 month routine along with the 400 other members in the 0  – 6 month transformation group. Hitting the gym twice a day 4 times a week and then have 2 days with just one session and then one rest day. Eating as much as I can with 5-6 meals a day, Christmas has been a great time to get some quality meat in!

So what advice can I give you today?

If you want something do everything in your power to attain it. When the time comes when you have to measure your success, make sure you can’t look back and say what if I hadn’t done this or what if I had done that. From day 1 you have to plan, believe in your plan, then put that plan into action. Never doubt yourself, believe and you will find success.

That’s going to wrap it up from me, wish everyone the best new year and I hope you enjoy the blog.

Cheers, Will.


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